Говорение 4

Полезные фразы

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  • I would like to compare and contrast two photos


  • In the first picture/photo we can see

  • The second picture/photo shows/represents/depicts/features

  • I would like to point out that these pictures are related to the topic of


  • As far as I see it, these pictures have something in common.

  • In my opinion, there are some similarities between these two photos.

  • The first similarity is that…

  • There is one more common thing about these photos…

  • Both pictures represent/show/feature/depict…

  • In the first picture like in the second one…


  • Still there are some differences between these pictures.

  • The first difference is that…

  • In the first photo we can see… while in the second photo…

  • The first photo shows/features/represents/depicts... But/at the same time/meanwhile in the second photo we can see…


  • If I had a choice, I would prefer (the activity/the thing…) shown in the first/second picture. This is because...


  • That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for your attention.

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